I wanted to flushleft align the text in my align environment. Basically, I wanted to get this effect:

enter image description here

Here is my code:

\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm}


\mbox{For the \emph{steady-state filter system}}  \quad\quad  \bm{\Phi}_{f} & = (\mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\bar{K}h'})\bm{\Phi}&\\
\mbox{For the \emph{steady-state predictor system}}  \quad\quad  \bm{\Phi}_{p} & = (\mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\bar{K}h'})\bm{\Phi}&


1 Answer 1


You're forgetting some &:

\usepackage{showframe}% just for the example
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm}


&\text{For the \emph{steady-state filter system}}    &
  \bm{\Phi}_{f} & = (\mathbf{I}-\bar{\mathbf{K}}\mathbf{h}')\bm{\Phi} &&\\
&\text{For the \emph{steady-state predictor system}} &
  \bm{\Phi}_{p} & = (\mathbf{I}-\bar{\mathbf{K}}\mathbf{h}')\bm{\Phi} &&


enter image description here

I fixed the syntax: \mathbf{\bar{K}h'} is conceptually wrong. Even if it's longer, use logical markup:

\bar{\mathbf{K}} \mathbf{h}'

is the correct input.

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