How can i print out a A6 sized book onto A4 paper, so that i can cut it into 4 pieces and glue-bind them to a book? i am NOT looking for a BOOKLET!

i think the order i need would be:

A4 sheet #1 - front   A4 sheet #1 - back  
+--------|--------+  +--------|--------+  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
| page 1 | page 3 |  | page 4 | page 2 |  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
+--------|--------+  +--------|--------+  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
| page 5 | page 7 |  | page 8 | page 6 |  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
|        |        |  |        |        |  
+--------|--------+  +--------|--------+  

the problem seems to be that the back side is "reversed" basically i just need the following page on the backside of the paper matching the front page.

edit: you have to include pgfmorepages BEFORE pdfpages, else it might put all pages one the first page causing a big clutter.

  • Welcome to TeX.sx! A MWE would be great start. :) In general, when I have to achieve something similar, I use pdfpages and manually set the pages to include and in which order. To ease my life, I have a script to generate the sequence for me. Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 17:42
  • i hoped there is a package already that does that. yea i can write a script easily when im sure about the formula :) the "picture" above is basically the MWE? \documentclass[a4paper,twoside]{article} \usepackage{pdfpages,geometry} \begin{document} \includepdf[pages={1,3,5,7,4,2,8,6},nup=2x2]{file} \end{document}
    – babuntu
    Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 18:04
  • Oh the picture gaves us the general idea indeed, I just wanted to be sure we were on the same page (no pun intended). :) Although, on a second thought, using pdfpages for this task is almost vernacular... :) Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 18:07

1 Answer 1


I wrote the pgfmorepages (CTAN and github) extension of pgfpages for instances such as this.

The layout you want isn't predefined, but is straightforward to make.


\pgfpagesdeclarelayout{8 on 2, book format}
    logical pages=8,%
    physical pages=2,%
    physical height=\pgfpageoptionheight,%
    physical width=\pgfpageoptionwidth,%
    current logical shipout=\pgfpageoptionfirstshipout%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%
      border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
      resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
      resized height=.5\pgfphysicalheight,%

\pgfpagesuselayout{8 on 2, book format}

\noindent\resizebox{.99\linewidth}{!}{Page \thepage}


First page:

First Page

Second page:

Second Page

  • nice! it seems to do what i want! (just one correction, i copied the page layout ascii-drawing from a different question, thats why the first page is actually the 2nd i knew it would cause confusion, sorry about this). is there a way to use \includepdf{page=-} with this? so i can have my document and a print.tex?
    – babuntu
    Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 20:40
  • @babuntu It would be simple enough to swap the pages. I presume you mean that the two printed pages should be swapped. I haven't tried it with \includepdf but I know of no reason why it shouldn't work. Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 21:20
  • for me it will overlay all pages onto the first page i only replaced the document block: \begin{document} \includepdf[pages=1-2]{datei} \end{document}
    – babuntu
    Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 21:46
  • @babuntu I just tried it with \includepdf and it works for me. Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 21:59
  • 2
    Perhaps it should be on CTAN, though? This isn't the first kind of question of this sort. Although I would ideally like to see pdfpages do this, since it doesn't in any easy way....
    – cfr
    Commented Nov 21, 2015 at 0:40

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