I would like to float a minipage next to an enumerate. I am looking to get this effect:

enter image description here

Here is code that was developed from posts found draw-a-simple-figure-with-arrows and here:


\textbf{(a)}    &&  P(1)        & = 3.1479              &&  \\
                &&  K(1)        & = 0.786986            &&  \\
                &&  \hat{x}(1)  & = 0  &&  \\
                &&              & = 1.1805              &&  \\[1ex]
\textbf{(b)}    &&  P(2)        & = 3.1431              &&  \\
                &&  K(2)        & = 0.7870              &&  \\
                &&  \hat{x}(2)  & = 1.1805
                                                        &&  \\
                &&              & = 2.6124              &&
\begin{tikzpicture}[> = latex,
     decoration = {markings,mark=at position .55
                            with {\arrow[very thick]{latex}}},
    arrow/.style = {draw=blue!30,thick},
dasharrow/.style = {arrow,densely dashed}
                    (0,0) node[below]{$(x_{0},y_{0})$}
                          -- (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,->] (0,0) -- (2.1,0)  node[below] {$K_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,postaction={decorate}] (45:3) -- (2.1,0);
\draw[dasharrow,->] (2.1,0) -- (4.2,0)     node[below] {$K_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) -- ++ (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) + (45:3) -- (4.2,0);

2 Answers 2


Just use two minipages:

enter image description here



\textbf{(a)}    &&  P(1)        & = 3.1479              &&  \\
                &&  K(1)        & = 0.786986            &&  \\
                &&  \hat{x}(1)  & = 0  &&  \\
                &&              & = 1.1805              &&  \\[1ex]
\textbf{(b)}    &&  P(2)        & = 3.1431              &&  \\
                &&  K(2)        & = 0.7870              &&  \\
                &&  \hat{x}(2)  & = 1.1805
                                                        &&  \\
                &&              & = 2.6124              &&
\begin{tikzpicture}[> = latex,
     decoration = {markings,mark=at position .55
                            with {\arrow[very thick]{latex}}},
    arrow/.style = {draw=blue!30,thick},
dasharrow/.style = {arrow,densely dashed}
                    (0,0) node[below]{$(x_{0},y_{0})$}
                          -- (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,->] (0,0) -- (2.1,0)  node[below] {$K_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,postaction={decorate}] (45:3) -- (2.1,0);
\draw[dasharrow,->] (2.1,0) -- (4.2,0)     node[below] {$K_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) -- ++ (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) + (45:3) -- (4.2,0);


Just add the (smashed) picture as the final element in one of the rows:

\usepackage{enumitem} % Customize lists

 {\setcounter{enumi}{0}\renewcommand{\theenumi}{\alph{enumi}}\csname flalign*\endcsname}


&\alignitem\label{first} &
    P(1)       &= 3.1479 &&\\
&&  K(1)       &= 0.786986 &&\\
&&  \hat{x}(1) &= 0 + 0.786986(1.5-0) &&\\
&&             &= 1.1805 &&\\[1ex]
&\alignitem &
    P(2)       &= 3.1431 &&\\
&&  K(2)       &= 0.7870 &&\\
&&  \hat{x}(2) &= 1.1805 + 0.786986(3.0-1.1805) &&
\smash{\begin{tikzpicture}[> = latex,
     decoration = {markings,mark=at position .55
                            with {\arrow[very thick]{latex}}},
    arrow/.style = {draw=blue!30,thick},
dasharrow/.style = {arrow,densely dashed}
                    (0,0) node[below]{$(x_{0},y_{0})$}
                          -- (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,->] (0,0) -- (2.1,0)  node[below] {$K_{k+1}$};
\draw[dasharrow,postaction={decorate}] (45:3) -- (2.1,0);
\draw[dasharrow,->] (2.1,0) -- (4.2,0)     node[below] {$K_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) -- ++ (45:3) node[above] {$K^{-}_{k+2}$};
                    (2.1,0) + (45:3) -- (4.2,0);
&&             &= 2.6124 &&


enter image description here

I used my enumeratealign environment, but the idea is the same with the other solution.

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