I am very new to LaTeX, and I'm trying to set up my citation and bibliography format. The only problem I have left is that my volume/issue is displayed in italics when I use the apacite bibliography style. How can I change this so that this is no longer in italics?

My text is as follows (I'm just trying things out for now):


\author{Kristian Jensen}
\title{Bibliography in \LaTeX}

We are now going to try out how this works by doing a citation.

Here it is: \citep{Pressair}.

That's it for now.



And from my mybib.bib file:

author = {Press, F., and Ewing, M.},
title = {Theory of aircoupled flexural waves},
journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
volume = {22},
number = {7},
year = {1951},
pages = {892-899},

In my reference list now, everything looks OK except for the volume/issue which is displayed as 22(7) when I want it to be 22(7) (not italics). If anyone can help me fix this, then I will really appreciate it!

  • An aside: You shouldn't load the apacite and natbib packages independently. If you want to use natbib-style citation commands, you should load the apacite package with the option natbibapa (and, of course, not the natbib package as well).
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 10:34
  • Incidentally, there are lots and lots of document class files called thesis on the Internet. Which one would you happen to be using?
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 10:35
  • After fixing a problem in your bib file -- there should be no comma after "Press, F." in the author field -- I am unable to fully replicate the issue you say you're encountering. Specifically, the issue number is not set in italics, contrary to what you say is happening.
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 10:44
  • Hi. Thanks for your input! You are right - the issue number now appears to be correct, but the volume issue is still in italics. As for the 'natbibapa' suggestion, when I try to enter '\usepackage{natbibapa}' I get an error message that this file is not found (is there something else I have to enter?). Finally, I don't know which specific document class 'thesis' is. I just read that this one of the default styles (along with article, book, etc.). As I said, I'm very, very new to LaTeX, so I'm sorry if my questions are basic.
    – Kristian
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 10:56
  • 1
    Sorry for not beeing sufficiently clear. You need to load the apacite package with the option natbibapa as follows: \usepackage[natbibapa]{apacite}. (There is no package called natbibapa.) A separate note: If you don't want the volume number to be typeset in italics, you should consider not using the apacite bibliography style to begin with.
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 11:05

1 Answer 1


The apacite package contains a LaTeX macro that determines the default formatting of the journal, volume, number, and pages fields for entries of type @article. This macro is called \APACjournalVolNumPages, and its default definition may be found in apacite.sty starting at around line 1275.

To modify this macro, I suggest loading the etoolbox package and using that package's \patchcmd macro. Specifically, you should insert the following lines of code in the preamble, after having the loaded the apacite package:

    {\unskip, \Bem{#2}}%
    {\unskip, #2}{}{}

The macro \Bem is an alias for \emph. Basically, the modification of the \APACjournalVolNumPages macro consists in removing the italics emphasis of the second argument -- the contents of the volume field.

A full MWE:

author =  {Press, F. and Ewing, M.},
title =   {Theory of aircoupled flexural waves},
journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
volume =  {22},
number =  {7},
year =    {1951},
pages =   {892--899},


\usepackage[natbibapa]{apacite} % load "apacite" with option "natbibapa" 
\bibliographystyle{apacite} % specify the bibliography style

    {\unskip, \Bem{#2}}%
    {\unskip, #2}{}{}






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