I had some issues with cbyeditor and cbytranslator where I got the warning "Package biblatex Warning: Bibliography string 'cbyeditor' undefined". That I managed to fix and now my footnotes looks good. I used the following solution:

\DefineBibliographyStrings{danish}{cbytranslator = {trans.}}
\DefineBibliographyStrings{danish}{cbyeditor = {red.}}

Unfortunately, another translation appears in the bibliography. The translation in the footnotes is perfect and just the way I want them:

3. Mary Pardo, „The Subject of Savoldo’s Magdalene“, i Sixteenth-Century Italian Art, *red.* Michael W. Cole, Blackwell Anthologies in Art History 3 (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006), 445.

Whereas this entry differs in the Bibliography:

Pardo, Mary. „The Subject of Savoldo’s Magdalene“. I Sixteenth-Century Italian Art, *udgivet af* Michael W. Cole, 441–484. Blackwell Anthologies in Art History 3. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.

In the bibliography it says udgivet af instead of red. as I have specified above. How can I change my cbytranslator and cbyeditor so the bibliography reflects the way I've done it in the footnotes?

  • Based on the contents of danish.lbx it seems that in the bibliography you get the string byeditor (and bytranslator as well as all the compound forms) in the bibliography, you will have to change that one as well. If that does not help you, an MWE we can investigate in more detail would be greatly appreciated. (Indeed, it seems to me that cbyeditor is the cite-version of byeditor, note that there are much more cby... strings, cf. chicago-american.lbx, you only get warnings about the ones you actually use.)
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 26, 2015 at 17:41
  • Did that work for you? If so a short heads-up would be appreciated. If not, any further hints are appreciated.
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 29, 2015 at 10:12
  • Thank you for your assistance, and my apologies for not getting back to you. It was very helpful, and I guess that the c (as in cbyeditor) stands for cite or referring to the cite command. Is there away I can vote up your comment, so other people easily can see that you answer is helpful?
    – hjorslev
    Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 17:07
  • Thanks. As far as I can see, my vote will be displayed when my reputation score reaches 15. Thanks again!
    – hjorslev
    Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 20:30
  • Yes, you cannot up-vote right now, you can accept the answer using the green checkmark though.
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 20:33

1 Answer 1


biblatex-chicago defines different bibstrings for use in citations and in the bibliography.

In the bibliography the standard strings like byeditor, bytranslator are used; but if such a string is needed in citations, cbyeditor, cbytranslator and friends are applied.

So when you change cby... strings you should make sure their by... counterpart is in line with this change (and vice versa).

  cbyeditor = {red\adddot},
  cbyeditor = {red\adddot},
  cbytranslator = {trans\adddot},
  bytranslator = {trans\adddot},

Note that there are many more by... strings as well as cby... strings defined in english.lbx and chicago-american.lbx (or danish.lbx, note that biblatex-chicago doesn't have a Danish localisation file, so you will have to provide all needed strings manually, you will be warned about them in the .log as well as via the visual hint that the strings names are displayed in bold face). Have a look at those files to see which strings need changing.

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