I am writing my dissertation in LaTeX and as it's a long document I have split up the chapters into separate .tex
files and am compiling them from a master .tex
%front matter
%main matter part 1
%main matter part 2
%back matter
In the addlit.tex file I am calling the bibliography:
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Additional Literature}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Additional Literature}
And in various other chapters e.g. itb.tex
I am citing things from that bibliography:
"...necessitating the use of the theory of general relativity \cite{Roseveare}."
My problem is that when I compile the master .tex
file, the citation appears as [?] and the section with the heading "Additional Literature" is blank. How can I solve this problem so that the citations are correct and the bibliography appears?
I am using TexStudio and Bibtex, if that makes any difference.
Edit: my .sty file is
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
My .bib file is like this:
author= {Roseveare, N. T.},
title= {Mercury's Perihelion from Le Verrier to Einstein},
publisher= {Oxford University Press},
and my .tex files are like this:
Some text here. Some text here. Some more text here \cite{Roseveare}.
contain warning and/or error messages?mystyle.sty
isn't available nor the.bib
nor the various.tex