


counter-format={tsk[a])}, %%a,A,r,R
label-align=left,        %% or right as you wish
resume=false             %% comment this for not to resume
]{problems}[\item](3)    %% (4) here makes all of them in 4 columns


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\item a
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\item a
\item a
\item a


Everything works fine with fewer \items. Does that mean it does not support when there are too many rows? or continues to a second page?

I got the warning:

! Undefined control sequence.
\GenericError  ...                                
                                                    #4  \errhelp \@err@     

1 Answer 1



I was using letters and there are only 26 letters.

So solution is to use counter-format={tsk[1])}.

On my god, the warning message is misleading!

  • If you look at the complete log you find ! LaTeX Error: Counter too large.. And if you look at the PDF produced by the example in your question it is also quite obvious :) You can also load package alphalph and tell tasks to use it: \NewPatternFormat{aa}{\alphalph} and then counter-format={tsk[aa])}
    – cgnieder
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:47
  • By the way: ! Undefined control sequence. is not a warning message but an error message (LaTeX distinguishes between those)
    – cgnieder
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:48
  • @clemens I did not ask latex to compile it once I saw the message. In general, I tend to "solve" the problem before I force it to compile. I would say there was nothing that was Undefined. All was defined perfectly. That to me was just confusing. Thanks about the other suggestion. Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:58

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