I have the following table:
& \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{ID}} & $\mathbf{T^x_{EO}}$ & $\mathbf{T^y_{EO}}$ & $\mathbf{T^z_{EO}}$ & $\mathbf{R^x_{EO}}$ & $\mathbf{R^y_{EO}}$ & $\mathbf{R^z_{EO}}$ & \textbf{RMS} \\
& & [m] & [m] & [m] & [deg] & [deg] & [deg] & [px] \\
\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{P\textit{n}P-LM}} & A & 2.748 & -0.135 & 2.175 & 119.232 & 1.368 & -76.261 & 0.240 \\
& B & 2.690 & 0.768 & 2.128 & 124.905 & -1.972 & -91.559 & 0.247 \\
& C & -1.576 & 1.139 & 2.146 & 120.264 & 1.428 & 98.205 & 0.255 \\
& D & -1.575 & -0.122 & 2.165 & 119.634 & -0.818 & 85.313 & 0.231 \\\midrule
\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{EP\textit{n}P}}& A & 2.722 & -0.161 & 2.345 & 121.639 & 1.828 & -75.974 & 0.463 \\
& B & 2.649 & 0.729 & 2.259 & 127.082 & -0.881 & -91.444 & 0.432 \\
& C & -1.565 & 1.148 & 2.246 & 121.639 & 1.250 & 98.377 & 0.389 \\
& D & -1.547 & -0.077 & 2.238 & 120.951 & 0.199 & 85.428 & 0.372 \\\bottomrule
I want to add a vectical line that covers [A-D] on the right side of EPnP and PnP-LM. If I do {c|cccccccc}
it creates a vertical line also in the header which I dont want.
as well, so vertical lines will not look pretty as they won't touch the\midrule
. however, if you need to remove them on some cells, just put\multicolumn{1}{}{}
in them.