I am trying to use the soul package to strike out Cyrillic letters. Instead of the letters being stroked out weird characters are shown.

тезт \st{ва}

Output: output of latex + dvipng

As I am using the tex code within Anki and the program uses the toolchain latex + dvipng I would be keen on a solution that works with exactly that toolchain.

1 Answer 1


Works for me after I load inputenc and soulutf8:

тезт \st{ва}

enter image description here

  • yes now it works - great. I still got the problem that (if only the \st{} is used) only a dot is displayed in anki. This can be solved adding a space in front of it (for other users of anki).
    – Sim
    Dec 10, 2015 at 15:55

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