Due to page restriction from my university I had to optimize my formulary sheet by writing more compact. Therefore I switched from the default Computer Modern Roman
font to Latin Modern
but now I get a problem with Integrals, Sums, etc. For example the integral got pretty big which is for my taste pretty ugly. (Additionally I used lmodern
because I wanted to get rid of the over proportional super- and subscripts when I use fontsize = 6pt
Can somebody please explain to me why lmodern
increases the size of integrals "by default" and give me a decent solution in solving this problem to get the old size back for integrals, sums, ...
\documentclass[a4paper, fontsize=6pt]{scrartcl}
W_{12} = \int\limits_\gamma \mathbf{F} \cdot d\mathbf{r} = T_2 - T_1
Furthermore I added two pictures, one with the default font and the other one with lmodern
showing the problem exemplary.