Here's a very, very easy one. Some (or, in worst case, all) points might be invisible as they are hidden. You can alter \pgfmathsetseed
to get another distribution or comment it out to get a new distribution on every run.
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
\draw (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\clip (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\foreach \p in {1,...,50}
{ \fill (4*rand,2*rand) circle (0.05);
Edit 1: I played around with it a little, as I wanted to keep all points inside of the ellipse. The second version generates a random x value and then computes a random y value in such a way that it is inside. As there is less "y space" for extremal values of x, the points cluster at the end points of the major axis. The third is an ellipse in polar form: first, an angle is randomly chosen and the radius is computed to be on the inside of the ellipse. Here, the points cluster at the minor axis and the center, a so called Gorthaur1-Distribution.
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
\draw (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\clip (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\foreach \p in {1,...,1000}
{ \fill[black] (4*rand,2*rand) circle (0.05);
\draw (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\clip (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\foreach \p in {1,...,1000}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{4*rand}
\fill[black] (\x,\y) circle (0.05);
\fill[inner color=black, outer color=yellow!20!black] (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\clip (0,0) ellipse (4 and 2);
\foreach \p in {1,...,1000}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\t}{360*rnd}
\fill[yellow!\c!red] (\t:\r) circle (0.05);
\typeout{\t, \r, \c}
1: I totally made this up. Gorthaur is a name Sauron, the villain in the lord of the rings, used in earlier ages ;-) As I usually watch the trilogy with my family over christmas I felt this little joke was in order.