Where would be a good place to start learning ConTeXt if you haven't got a lot of experience under your belt yet? Any place online or in a bookstore is welcome, provided that the reading is well-structured, well-written and beginner-friendly.
I know there is quite a heap of "official documentation", including "ConTeXt, an excursion", the official handbook and the contextgarden.net Wiki.
Still, often ConTeXt novices find it very difficult to get a good start with the documentation provided -- the command syntax seems to work sometimes, sometimes not; some commands work well with each other, others only in a specific order (which isn't documented anywhere) and some don't work with each other at all etc. The consequence is that there is a lot of experimenting with the code while the focus should be on the topic to be published itself.
This question would love to get RTFM answers, so please point out any Ms which should TF be R.
command [optional] choice-a|choice-b
. You can easily see which options are mandatory and which are optional, which exclude each other etc. This may not be an officially correct name for what I mean, I just got to know that notation concept by that term.