I'm trying to position a square node midway along a curved path, but I've noticed that the arrowhead style I select affects the positioning -- if I use an arrowhead other than the default, the node is positioned 'off center' in the normal direction to the path. Is there a different way to specify this to have the node correctly centered with e.g. the 'latex' style arrowheads?
\draw[<->,bend angle=90,thick] (-1,-1)
to[bend right]
node[rectangle,sloped,fill=black,minimum size=1mm,inner sep=0pt] {}
\draw[<->,>=stealth,bend angle=90,thick] (-1,-1) to[bend right]
node[rectangle,sloped,fill=black,minimum size=1mm,inner sep=0pt] {}
\draw[<->,>=latex,bend angle=90,thick] (-1,-1) to[bend right]
node[rectangle,sloped,fill=black,minimum size=1mm,inner sep=0pt] {}