I need to meet my university's requirements for a thesis. What I need seems to be simple but I haven't found a direct way to do it.
What I need
In the text, the citation must have the first three letters of the author's last name in capitals, followed by the year in four-digits format, all enclosed in square parentheses.
In case the same author has two works in the same year, they must add a letter starting by a (useful whenever the combination "ABCYYYY" is repeated).
In the bibliography, the references must show the same label followed by its definition indicating:
Last name, First name, "Document title in quotes and italic", publisher, year
Example (bold only for visualization):
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit [JON2003]. Vivamus eget ipsum eget eros tempor malesuada [WIN2001a]. Pellentesque ullamcorper sit amet neque a viverra [WIN2001b].
[**JON**2003] **Jon**es, Eric S.,*"How to use LaTeX"*, Prentice-Hall, 1990. [**WIN**2001a] **Win**g, Alice B., *"Some book about citations"*, Ra-Ma,2001. [**WIN**2001b] **Win**g, Alice B., *"Citations for dummies"*, Ra-Ma,2001.
What I have
My .tex
with this:
and a bib_file.bib
file with this format
title = {Book title},
author = {LName,FName},
series = {series name},
publisher = {publisher name},
year = {some year in yyyy format}
What I get
Citations like [ABC...YY]
where A, B, C... are the last name initials of the authors, and YY is the year in two digits format.
Finally, thanks for your time.