I was excited when saw Designing Math Fonts presentation and other similar presentations mentioned at How do I know if a math font fits well with the text font. These presentations are presumably prepared with the use of beamer class. Does anybody know how these presentations were done. Is there publically available theme for the beamer class which gives this look to presentaions?

  • One of them seems to be Singapore theme and other based on Dresden with some customization.
    – Ignasi
    Commented Sep 15, 2011 at 7:37

2 Answers 2


There's a beamer theme matrix which shows an example of each beamer theme (rows) with every color theme (columns).


You can have a look into the already existing themes which are saved in the directory of the beamer class file: .../beamer/themes/theme

beamerthemeAnnArbor.sty  beamerthemeboxes.sty        beamerthemeFrankfurt.sty    beamerthemeMadrid.sty       beamerthemeRochester.sty
beamerthemeAntibes.sty   beamerthemeCambridgeUS.sty  beamerthemeGoettingen.sty   beamerthemeMalmoe.sty       beamerthemeSingapore.sty
beamerthemeBergen.sty    beamerthemeCopenhagen.sty   beamerthemeHannover.sty     beamerthemeMarburg.sty      beamerthemeSzeged.sty
beamerthemeBerkeley.sty  beamerthemeDarmstadt.sty    beamerthemeIlmenau.sty      beamerthemeMontpellier.sty  beamerthemeWarsaw.sty
beamerthemeBerlin.sty    beamerthemedefault.sty      beamerthemeJuanLesPins.sty  beamerthemePaloAlto.sty     compatibility
beamerthemeBoadilla.sty  beamerthemeDresden.sty      beamerthemeLuebeck.sty      beamerthemePittsburgh.sty

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