I would like to draw a real screw like in image below. Any codes in tikz, asymptote or pstricks are welcomed!
In order do not confuse with my linked question about laser who as well is based on helix I would like to add a note: I do need Corkscrew in order to predict the direction of the magnetic field lines around a straight conductor through which a steady electric current is flowing.
and my attempts do not correspond to reality
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round]
\draw [line width=0.2mm,double=gray!70,decorate, decoration={zigzag,pre length=0.1cm,post
length=0.1cm,segment length=6},line join=round](0,-.75) -> (1,-.75);
\draw [line width=0.1mm,double=gray!70,decorate, decoration={coil,pre length=0.1cm,post
length=0.1cm,segment length=2,amplitude=1mm},line join=round](0,-1.25) -> (1,-1.25);
\draw [thick,double=gray!70,decorate, decoration={snake,pre length=0.1cm,post
length=0.1cm,segment length=6},line join=round](0,-1.75) -> (1,-1.75);