I want to add roman page numbering to all the pages up to the end of the table of contents, apart from the title page. So I did the following, which works, apart from the fact that the abstract does not have any page number.
The abstract.tex
file contains \begin{abstract}
and \end{abstract}
So I tried to follow the solution to the question here which seems to be asking the exact same question.
And in my abstract tex file I put:
My abstract...
This does add page 'i' to the Abstract page. However, the problem is that subsequent pages in the roman numbering part, such as the table of contents are also getting page 'i' again (that is before changing to arabic numbering).
So essentially I am getting:
Abstract - Page i, TOC - Page i
While I want
Abstract - Page i, TOC - Page ii
Why is the counter getting reset to 1 (before changing to arabic numbering) and not continuing from where it was in the abstract?
does always reset the page counter to1