When multicolumn headers in tables use more horizontal space than the columns they are 'heading', then the additional width is entirely allocated to the rightmost column. The following MWE:
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Wide multicolumn cell}\\
& x & y & z \\ \midrule
A & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \bottomrule
I would like to allocate the same amount of horizontal space to column x,y, and z. I do realize that an easy fix would be to use fixed width columns for x, y, and z, but I am looking for a dynamic solution. So my questions are the following:
1) Is there an easy way to allocate the horizontal space equally to columns x,y, and z?
2) Assuming that the answer to 1) is no: What would be an elegant way to increase the width of a single variable-width column by a percentage, e.g., increase the width of column x to 150% of the default?
which would ensure the columns are equal width. Or you could calculate the width of the header text and then divide it into 3 and create the columns that way. But you need to know something at the point the column specification is given, I think.