I use the following package
for my thesis.
It's working very well so far.
\todo[inline]{Todo #1: comments/ todos about status for professor or lecture}
\todo{Todo #2: comments for internal use. Just for me.}
Now I would like to set todos of category #2 as invisible temporarily.
But I don't want to touch all todos separately.
Is there any possibility with
or something like that?
Here the minimal example:
\usepackage{blindtext} %lorem ipsum
\usepackage[colorinlistoftodos, ngerman]{todonotes}
% list of todos
% lorem ipsum
%Todo #1: comments/ todos about status for professor or lecture
\todo[inline]{Todo \#1: comments/ todos about status for professor or lecture}
% lorem ipsum
%Todo #2: comments for internal use. Just for me.
\todo{Todo \#2: comments for internal use. Just for me.}
% lorem ipsum
The post (in German) at golatex.de: http://golatex.de/viewtopic,p,79718.html#79718