I'm using the acronym package. Normally, if I enter an acronym like this:
This is a system with \ac{LTI} propertiesSystem. It can be ...
The pdf shows something like this:
This is a system with linear, time invariant (LTI) properties. It can be ...
But I would like to have something like this:
This is a system with LTI (linear, time invariant) properties. It can be ...
How can I set up the acronym package to put the brackets around the description and not around the acronym?
I tried now using this self defined command:
\newcommand{\A}[1]{\acs{#1} (\aclu{#1})}
It shows the acronym first and the long version in brackets. But if I use the same acronym later, the full description ist shown again and again. I would prefer, that it is shown just the first time...