Is there a way to create a diagram in Dia,

  • output to intermediate vector graphics, and
  • resize the resultant graphics in the page?

Obviously, the png export works with \includegraphics, but that result is pixeled.

2 Answers 2


After trying several failing options

  • pstricks export, which failed to work properly with pdflatex
  • tikz output with \include and resizebox,

the following works:

  1. Output your diagram as "LaTeX pgf macros (.tex)"
  2. Create a \begin{adjustbox} environment (with the \usepackage{adjustbox} header)
  3. \input the file into this environment (you could also copy-paste the contents), adding the \usepackage{tikz} header

If you want to use a pstricks export with pdflatex, you have to:

1) load auto-pst-pdf (after pstricks)

2) Launch pdflatex with the --enable-write18 switch (MiKTeX) or --shell-escape (TeX Live, MacTeX).

  • Thank you. Does this resize automatically?
    – serv-inc
    Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 10:21

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