I am creating a PDF using pdfTeX. Alas, the publisher's requirement is that all glyphs therein are mapped to one or more Unicode code points. I got this working for most, but not all glyphs:

\input glyphtounicode.tex

For two glyphs, namely \nexists (U+2204) and \leftarrowtail (U+21A2) from amssymb, it looks like an need to manually add a \pdfglyphtounicode. But I can't find out what to pass as its first parameter, i.e., for the glyph name. Any pointers?

  • 1
    Try using the updated version of glyphtounicode.tex that is distributed with lcdf typetools lcdf.org/type
    – Lev Bishop
    Commented Sep 20, 2011 at 19:30

2 Answers 2


The following works on a TeX Live distribution:

  \immediate\pdfobj stream file {umsa.cmap}
  {\usefont{U}{msa}{m}{n}\pdffontattr\font{/ToUnicode \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R}}
  \immediate\pdfobj stream file {umsb.cmap}
  {\usefont{U}{msb}{m}{n}\pdffontattr\font{/ToUnicode \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R}}

The code binds the MSA and MSB fonts with the appropriate CMAP resources.


I think you need to consult the Unicode Code Charts

These two particular cases would appear to be theredoesnotexist (2204) and leftwardsarrowwithtail (21A2).

These code points also appear in texglyphlist.txt, as notexistential and arrowtailleft respectively. Although this file appears in TeXLive as


I can't find it on CTAN.

I must also confess I can't see much point in having two sets of names.

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