How would I make the following diagram and label the values? I would prefer it if instead of a box, there were a ball rolling down the ramp and the horizontal ground displacement were labeled as well. The force arrow is not necessary. Thank you.
3One possibility is to use TikZ. Lines, rectangles and labels are all covered in the tutorial of the manual: . You need to show, what you have tried, and then ask about any specific problems.– hpekristiansenCommented Feb 1, 2016 at 6:26
1Something related:– IgnasiCommented Feb 1, 2016 at 9:50
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2 Answers
% \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (10,10);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (1,4);
\draw [rotate around={-25:(1,4)}] (0,4) rectangle ({4/sin(25)+1},4+0.2);
\draw [rotate around={-25:(1,4)}] (4,4+0.2+0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw (-1,0) -- (10.3,0);
\draw [latex-latex] (-0.2,0) -- ++ (0,{4+tan(25)}) node [midway,align=left,xshift=-0.7cm]{height\\of ramp};
\draw [latex-latex] (1.1,3.7) -- ++ (-25:{8.5}) node [rotate=-25,midway,yshift=-0.3cm]{length of ramp};
A nice one to do with the basic shapes in Metapost and the "Pythagorean minus" operator...
path ground, wall, ramp, ball;
w = 21; h = 3w; r = 200; a = angle(r+-+h,-h);
ground = (left -- right) scaled 140;
wall = unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted 110 left;
ramp = unitsquare xscaled (r+w) yscaled 5
shifted point 3 of wall
rotatedabout(point 2 of wall, a);
ball = fullcircle scaled 2 shifted up rotated a
scaled 10 shifted point 2.7 of ramp;
draw ground;
fill wall withcolor .7[red+1/2green,white]; draw wall;
fill ramp withcolor .7[red,white]; draw ramp;
fill ball withcolor .7[blue,white]; draw ball;
path mark[];
mark1 = (point 1 of wall -- point 1 of ramp) shifted 7 down;
drawdblarrow mark1;
draw (down--up) scaled 2 shifted point 0 of mark1;
draw (down--up) scaled 2 shifted point 1 of mark1;"Displacement", point 0.5 of mark1);
Compile with
.The units of measurement are PostScript points: 72 = 1in, 28.35 = 1cm
Move the ball by picking a different point along the ramp.
path has four points numbered anticlockwise from the lower left.Add more labels as desired.