I am trying to plot a function that is the sum of another function based on the parameter.
A famous example of this is the "sum of squares", however the functions I really want to do this do not have an explicit formula.
The following example shows the result I would like to get and a method how I would like to have it, which is obviously not giving the correct result.
% Explicit formula
% The inner function
% Compute the sum of another function
% Does not work...
%Parameter should be integral
\foreach \i in {1,...,\cnt} {
\pgfmathsetmacro\ret{\ret + sum(\i)}
% Expected
\addplot[samples at={1,...,10}] {explicit_sum(x)};
% Does not work
\addplot[samples at={1,...,10}] {manual_sum(x)};
needs to be inside the\foreach
when I switch that the plot returns a straight line, I think the remaining issue is the same as found in Summation of a list of numbers.