I would like to make a similar graphic like shown below, but with different text:
Since I just did 2D graphics, can you give me a starting tip how to do this in TikZ?
That's my uncomplete MWE so far:
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes}
,minimum size=10mm
%node section
\node (question) {Identify the issue and determine the question};
\node (plan) [below = of question] {Write plan for the review (protocol)};
\node (studies) [below = of plan] {Search for studies};
\fill[red] (0,-4) circle (0.25);
\fill[red] (1,-4.5) circle (0.25);
\fill[red] (-1.5,-4.5) circle (0.25);
\fill[green] (1,-5.5) circle (0.25);
\fill[green] (-1.5,-5.7) circle (0.25);
\fill[green] (-0.5,-5.8) circle (0.25);
\clip[draw] (0,-6) ellipse (2cm and 1cm);
\draw[step=0.3cm, black] (-2cm,-7cm) grid (2cm,1cm);
%arrow section
\draw [->](question) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (plan);
\draw [->](plan) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (studies);