I want to draw a small rectangle within a tikz picture, then zoom it out somewhere. I skim through the PGF manual but I couldn't find a way to put the logic together. So far I've just drawn the automaton diagram, I had to hack the blue rectangle with "paint" though :(. Anyone could help me out with this? Thank you.

enter image description here

Minimal Working Example



        \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=3cm, auto, on grid, initial text=,font=\small,>=stealth',
            every state/.style={minimum size=7mm,draw=black!50,very thick,fill=red!50}]
        \node[state,initial]        (S)                 {S};
        \node[state]                (A) [right=of S]    {A};
        \node[state]                (B) [below=of S]    {B};
        \node[state,accepting]      (C) [right=of B]    {C};
        (S) edge[bend right]    node{a} (A)
        (S) edge[bend right]    node[xshift=-4mm]{$\lambda$} (B)
        (A) edge[bend right]    node[yshift=5mm]{a,b} (S)
        (A) edge[]              node{$\lambda$} (C)
        (A) edge[]              node[yshift=7mm]{b} (B)
        (B) edge[bend left]     node{b, $\lambda$} (C)
        (B) edge[bend right]    node[xshift=4mm]{a} (S)
        (C) edge[bend left]     node{a,b} (B)


1 Answer 1


The spy TikZ-library was created exactly for this. Here an example. See the PGF/TikZ manual in section 49 Spy Library: Magnifying Parts of Pictures, page 462 for more details.



        \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=3cm, auto, on grid, initial text=,font=\small,>=stealth',
            every state/.style={minimum size=7mm,draw=black!50,very thick,fill=red!50},spy using outlines]
        \node[state,initial]        (S)                 {S};
        \node[state]                (A) [right=of S]    {A};
        \node[state]                (B) [below=of S]    {B};
        \node[state,accepting]      (C) [right=of B]    {C};
        (S) edge[bend right]    node{a} (A)
        (S) edge[bend right]    node[xshift=-4mm]{$\lambda$} (B)
        (A) edge[bend right]    node[yshift=5mm]{a,b} (S)
        (A) edge[]              node{$\lambda$} (C)
        (A) edge[]              node[yshift=7mm]{b} (B)
        (B) edge[bend left]     node{b, $\lambda$} (C)
        (B) edge[bend right]    node[xshift=4mm]{a} (S)
        (C) edge[bend left]     node{a,b} (B)

        \spy [blue,draw,height=5cm,width=10cm,magnification=2,connect spies] on ($(B)!.5!(C)$) in node at ($(B)!.5!(C) + (0,-5) $);


  • 1
    Many thanks for a quick and precise answer ;). The picture looks awesome by the way.
    – roxrook
    Commented Sep 24, 2011 at 7:33
  • 4
    I just wanted to add here that this code does not work when compiled with XeLaTeX (in case anybody is hitting their head on a desk). The picture shows up fine, but the spy zoom is blank. A solution has not yet been provided: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/33260/… Commented Nov 17, 2013 at 20:19

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