I don't expect you still need an answer as it's been so long, but for posterity:
The tabu
documentation: page 12/101 section 2.3 of tabu documentation provides a multicolumn demo that I combined with multirow
. Please forgive the horrible translation, I didn't want to fight with the character map on my computer.
I prefer longtable
, so I have included a crude implementation of both below.
Tabu Version
\usepackage[russian]{babel} % Включаем пакет для поддержки русского
\usepackage[a4paper, portrait, margin=1in, hmargin=2cm, top=4cm, bottom=4cm, headheight=3cm, footskip=2.5cm]{geometry}
{\small \begin{center}
% DEMO from page 12/101 section 2.3 of tabu documentation
%\begin{tabu}{|X|X|X[2]|} \tabucline-
% a & b & c \\ \tabucline-
% \multicolumn2{|c|}{Hello} & World \\ \tabucline-
% \tabuphantomline
\begin{tabu} to \textwidth { | X[0.1,l,p] | X[0.8,l,p] | X[0.5,l,p] | X[0.8,l,p] | X[0.8,l,p] | X[0.8,l,p] | }
\textbf{№} & \textbf{Description of deviation:} & \textbf{Department:} & \textbf{Identified risk} & \multicolumn2{|c|}{\textbf{Not Identified risk 1}} \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{*}{1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Deviation 1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Department of 1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Risk 1} & Description no identified risk & Our Risk 1 \\ \cline{5-6}
& & & & Objecct/Process during which risk appeared & Object 1 \\ \hline
Long table Version
\usepackage[russian]{babel} % Включаем пакет для поддержки русского
\usepackage[a4paper, portrait, margin=1in, hmargin=2cm, top=4cm, bottom=4cm, headheight=3cm, footskip=2.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{environ,longtable,threeparttablex,booktabs,multirow,array,adjustbox,supertabular}% table adjustment packages
% Wrapping text in multicolumn: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/115668/wrapping-text-in-multicolumn
{\small \begin{center}
\begin{longtable}[l]{| L{0.025\textwidth} | L{0.1\textwidth} | L{0.15\textwidth} | L{0.2\textwidth} | L{0.3\textwidth} | L{0.15\textwidth} |}
\textbf{№} & \textbf{Description of deviation:} & \textbf{Department:} & \textbf{Identified risk} & \multicolumn2{|c|}{\textbf{Not Identified risk 1}} \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{*}{1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Deviation 1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Department of 1} & \multirow{2}{*}{Risk 1} & Description no identified risk & Our Risk 1 \\ \cline{5-6}
& & & & Objecct/Process during which risk appeared & Object 1 \\ \hline
, that is ok, good package. On the other hand,tabu
is not developed or maintained anymore. It is even announced that an update will come that breaks your current document. When (or even if) that will happen, nobody knows.longtable
might already suit your needs.