I have the following matrix in TikZ:
Here's the code:
circled/.style={draw,circle,inner sep=0pt},
highrow/.style={minimum height=.9cm},
\node[matrix of nodes] (tcm) {
{} &
$a_{00}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{10}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{20}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\cdots$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_{n0}$ \\
{} &
$a_{01}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{11}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{21}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\cdots$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_{n1}$ \\
{} &
$a_{02}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{12}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$a_{22}$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\cdots$ & $\leqslant$ &
$\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_{n2}$ \vspace{-5cm}\\
|[circled]| $+$ &
|[highrow]| $\vdots$ & {} &
$\vdots$ & {} &
$\vdots$ & {} &
$\ddots$ & {} &
$\vdots$ \\
{} &
$\sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty a_{0m}$ & {} &
$\sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty a_{1m}$ & {} &
$\sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty a_{2m}$ & {} &
$\cdots$ & {} &
$\sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty \lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_{nm}$ \\
\node[fit=(tcm-5-1) (tcm-5-2) (tcm-5-3) (tcm-5-4) (tcm-5-5) (tcm-5-6) (tcm-5-7) (tcm-5-8) (tcm-5-9) (tcm-5-10),inner sep=0pt] (R5) {};
\draw (R5.north -| tcm.west) -- (R5.north -| tcm.east);
The amount of vertical space between the third and fourth rows is bothering me. The fourth row (the row that follows the circled plus sign) has a lot of vertical space above, and I can't remove it. As far as I know, row sep
only works for all the rows at once -- I can't use it in only the fourth row.
OBS: The source of the problem is not the minimum height
of the circled plus sign. When this minimum height is set to zero, the fourth row has an abnormal amount of vertical space above it.