This is taken more-or-less directly from the tkz-euclide
documentation (texdoc -s euclide
\tkzDefPoint(0,0){#2} %% Put the coordinates here
\tkzDefPoint(5,1){#3} %% for the desired
\tkzDefPoint(1,4){#4} %% triangle.
\node[below] at (G) {#1};
One more thing. If you want to specify an arbitrary triangle with \incenter
, then you could try this:
\foreach \x/\y [count=\i from 1] in {#2}{\tkzDefPoint(\x,\y){n-\i}}
\node[below] at (G) {#1};
\incenter{Incenter!}{0/0.5,5/3,1/4}% {label}{x_1/y_1,x_2/y_2,x_3/y_3}
, I think. Buttkz-euclide
is probably the answer. (Unfortunately for me, much of the documentation is only available in French.)