I'm using the @inbook command to organize chapter references in books. Here is one of my BibTeX entries:

  author =       {S. Ghosal},
  editor =       {N. L. Hjort and C. Holmes and P. M{\"u}ller and S. G. Walker},
  chapter =      {{The {D}irichlet process, related priors and posterior asymptotics}},
  title =        {Bayesian Nonparametrics},
  pages =        {35-79},
  publisher =    {Cambridge University Press},
  year =         {2010},
  address =      {Cambridge},

This doesn't seem to be working, however, as what I get in my references list looks something like this:

Ghosal, S. (2010). Bayesian nonparametrics. In N. L. Hjort, C. Holmes, P. Muller, & S. G. Walker (Eds.), (p. 35-79). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

I'm using the apacite bibliography style.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

  • 1
    We might... if you provide the community with some context in the form of a minimal working example (MWE). We want to copy-and-paste-and-compile and see exactly what you're seeing.
    – Werner
    Commented Feb 21, 2016 at 19:08
  • "This doesn't seem to be working" is, I'm afraid, not a particularly illuminating diagnostic message. Please show us an example of an entry of type @inbook, and please also tell us which bibliography style you use.
    – Mico
    Commented Feb 21, 2016 at 19:11
  • Please see my edits above. Commented Feb 21, 2016 at 19:26

1 Answer 1


From the documentation, I gather that chapter should contain the chapter number. Instead you should use title for the chapter title and booktitle for the title of the collection.

enter image description here

However, using the chapter field doesn't seem to give different output.

  author =       {S. Ghosal},
  editor =       {N. L. Hjort and C. Holmes and P. M{\"u}ller and S. G. Walker},
  title =        {{The {D}irichlet process, related priors and posterior asymptotics}},
  booktitle =    {Bayesian Nonparametrics},
  pages =        {35-79},
  publisher =    {Cambridge University Press},
  year =         {2010},
  address =      {Cambridge},






enter image description here

  • The "booktitle" command makes all the difference. Thanks for your help. Commented Feb 21, 2016 at 23:27

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