I am looking for some LaTex timeline, which should look like something as below:

enter image description here

Edit 1: I did check the pgfgantt package but it doesn't provide as cool a timeline as above. Edit 2: The minimal code is from pgfcantt.pdf. The diagram on its page 48, would work for me too. But I can't reproduce it with the following minimal code.

\title{Gantt Charts with the pgfgantt Package}

% A fairly complicated example from section 2.9 of the package
% documentation. This reproduces an example from Wikipedia:
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart
    canvas/.append style={fill=none, draw=black!5, line width=.75pt},
    hgrid style/.style={draw=black!5, line width=.75pt},
    vgrid={*1{draw=black!5, line width=.75pt}},
    today rule/.style={
      dash pattern=on 3.5pt off 4.5pt,
      line width=1.5pt
    today label font=\small\bfseries,
    title/.style={draw=none, fill=none},
    title label font=\bfseries\footnotesize,
    title label node/.append style={below=7pt},
    include title in canvas=false,
    bar label font=\mdseries\small\color{black!70},
    bar label node/.append style={left=2cm},
    bar/.append style={draw=none, fill=black!63},
    bar incomplete/.append style={fill=barblue},
    bar progress label font=\mdseries\footnotesize\color{black!70},
    group incomplete/.append style={fill=groupblue},
    group left shift=0,
    group right shift=0,
    group height=.5,
    group peaks tip position=0,
    group label node/.append style={left=.6cm},
    group progress label font=\bfseries\small,
    link/.style={-latex, line width=1.5pt, linkred},
    link label font=\scriptsize\bfseries,
    link label node/.append style={below left=-2pt and 0pt}
    title label node/.append style={below left=7pt and -3pt}
  \gantttitlelist{2,...,13}{1} \\
  \ganttgroup[progress=57]{WBS 1 Summary Element 1}{1}{10} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.1} Activity A}{1}{8} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.2} Activity B}{1}{3} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.3} Activity C}{4}{10} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.4} Activity D}{4}{10} \\[grid]
  \ganttgroup[progress=0]{WBS 2 Summary Element 2}{4}{10} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.1} Activity E}{4}{5} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.2} Activity F}{6}{8} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.3} Activity G}{9}{10}
  \ganttlink[link type=s-s]{WBS1A}{WBS1B}
  \ganttlink[link type=f-s]{WBS1B}{WBS1C}
    link type=f-f,
    link label node/.append style=left

% A simpler example from the package documentation:
  \gantttitle{2011}{12} \\
  \gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
  \ganttgroup{Group 1}{1}{7} \\
  \ganttbar{Task 1}{1}{2} \\
  \ganttlinkedbar{Task 2}{3}{7} \ganttnewline
  \ganttmilestone{Milestone}{7} \ganttnewline
  \ganttbar{Final Task}{8}{12}

  • 1
    These are called Gantt charts.
    – Werner
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 2:21
  • 2
    Can't reproduce it in what way? What happens? Do you get an error? Is the output unexpected? Just copy-pasting code from somewhere else and saying it doesn't work is not very informative. I mean, how should we know why it doesn't work for you?
    – cfr
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 4:08
  • 1
    I have searched the pgfgannt.pdf file (documentation for pgfgannt.sty) as referenced by the O.P. and I cannot find this diagram or the code posted above. Is this possibly from a different manual or document? Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 4:29
  • @R.Schumacher sorry it is on page 48 of the same link ctan.org/pkg/pgfgantt?lang=en
    – kaka
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 4:45
  • @R.Schumacher I made it worked. Updated code is now working. Thanks.
    – kaka
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 19:22

1 Answer 1

\title{Gantt Charts with the pgfgantt Package}

% A fairly complicated example from section 2.9 of the package
% documentation. This reproduces an example from Wikipedia:
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart
    canvas/.append style={fill=none, draw=black!5, line width=.75pt},
    hgrid style/.style={draw=black!5, line width=.75pt},
    vgrid={*1{draw=black!5, line width=.75pt}},
    today rule/.style={
      dash pattern=on 3.5pt off 4.5pt,
      line width=1.5pt
    today label font=\small\bfseries,
    title/.style={draw=none, fill=none},
    title label font=\bfseries\footnotesize,
    title label node/.append style={below=7pt},
    include title in canvas=false,
    bar label font=\mdseries\small\color{black!70},
    bar label node/.append style={left=2cm},
    bar/.append style={draw=none, fill=black!63},
    bar incomplete/.append style={fill=barblue},
    bar progress label font=\mdseries\footnotesize\color{black!70},
    group incomplete/.append style={fill=groupblue},
    group left shift=0,
    group right shift=0,
    group height=.5,
    group peaks tip position=0,
    group label node/.append style={left=.6cm},
    group progress label font=\bfseries\small,
    link/.style={-latex, line width=1.5pt, linkred},
    link label font=\scriptsize\bfseries,
    link label node/.append style={below left=-2pt and 0pt}
    title label node/.append style={below left=7pt and -3pt}
  \gantttitlelist{2,...,13}{1} \\
  \ganttgroup[progress=57]{WBS 1 Summary Element 1}{1}{10} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.1} Activity A}{1}{8} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.2} Activity B}{1}{3} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.3} Activity C}{4}{10} \\
  ]{\textbf{WBS 1.4} Activity D}{4}{10} \\[grid]
  \ganttgroup[progress=0]{WBS 2 Summary Element 2}{4}{10} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.1} Activity E}{4}{5} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.2} Activity F}{6}{8} \\
  \ganttbar[progress=0]{\textbf{WBS 2.3} Activity G}{9}{10}
  \ganttlink[link type=s-s]{WBS1A}{WBS1B}
  \ganttlink[link type=f-s]{WBS1B}{WBS1C}
    link type=f-f,
    link label node/.append style=left

% A simpler example from the package documentation:
  \gantttitle{2011}{12} \\
  \gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
  \ganttgroup{Group 1}{1}{7} \\
  \ganttbar{Task 1}{1}{2} \\
  \ganttlinkedbar{Task 2}{3}{7} \ganttnewline
  \ganttmilestone{Milestone}{7} \ganttnewline
  \ganttbar{Final Task}{8}{12}


enter image description here

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