I need to center-align a series of equations and then align their comments (which are themselves to be right-justified (except not all of them!). I'm slightly overwhelmed by the numerous options available for alignment of equations and can't seem to find an appropriate example (online or in the docs). Thanks for your help/suggestions in advance.
\documentclass[12pt, leqno]{book}
\noindent 2-parter: First, eqns. (1) and (2) should be in alignment (centered on page).
Here, (1) is pushed/pulled left while (2) is perfect. Secondly, the last comment
($0 < r_{k} < r_{k-1},$) of (1) should be right-justified as is the comment of (2), with
the final form then being all ``0"s in alignment.
a &= qb + r, &0 < r < b, \\
b &= q_{1}r + r_{1}, &0 < r_{1} < r, \\
r &= q_{2}r_{1} + r_{2}, &0 < r_{2} < r_{1}, \\
r_{1} &= q_{3}r_{2} + r_{3}, &0 < r_{3} < r_{2}, \\
&\texttt{.\quad.\quad.\quad.} &\texttt{.\quad.\quad.\quad.} \\
r_{k-2} &= q_{k}r_{k-1} + r_{k}, &0 < r_{k} < r_{k-1}, \\
r_{k-1} &= q_{k+1}r_{k}.
%% Thanks, @Bernard for your help with the following eqn
&& a = qb + r, && \llap{$0 \leq r < b$,}
before the zeros so that they will be left-aligned. (this has been asked before. i'll look for the question.)