Where is my table of contents? I looked at Table of contents using article and report classes and here's my MWE. According to the commentators, everything down three levels should appear--but the ToC file (yes, I ran LaTeX twice) is a zero byte file, hence no ToC is being generated.
%\usepackage{tocloft} didn't do anything.
\lhead{\footnotesize{important info}}
\rfoot{\footnotesize{less-important info}}
\title{boring article}
\author{troubled author}
%\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} this is the default. I've tried other values.
\usepackage{mathpazo} nice fonts.
\begin{center}\textbf{Part $[$1$]$: General Provisions}\end{center}
\section*{Article $[$1$]$ Definitions}
Blah blah blah
\section*{Article $[$2$]$ More Definitions}
Blah blah
What am I missing? Is the fancyheader package interfering?
. Remove the *. If you want unnumbered sections change the secnumdepth counter.\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}