Hopefully a quick question but one I can't get to the bottom of. I'm using the code below to place a curly brace decoration, and though I can place text at it's halfway point I'd like to place on of my previous node objects.

The code is

\draw [thick,decoration={brace},decorate] 
    ([xshift=-0.1cm,yshift=0.2cm]H16.135) to
        node[midway,above] (bracket) {node[circle]}

But where I've got node [circle] I'd like it to actually draw a circle node, rather than just display text. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,

2 Answers 2


To draw a circular node, use

... node[midway,above,draw,circle] (bracket) {node label} ...

The draw key strokes the outline of the node, and circle sets the shape.

A complete, minimal example:

\node (H16) {};
\node (H112) at (3,0) {};
\draw[thick,decoration={brace},decorate] ([xshift=-0.1cm,yshift=0.2cm]H16.135) to
node[midway,above=1mm,draw,circle] (bracket) {}

enter image description here

  • If this isn't what you were after, please turn your snippet into a complete, minimal example that we can compile without any modifications, and see if you can clarify in any way. Commented Mar 16, 2016 at 22:27
  • That's it thanks! I had tried putting circle inside the node arguments but didn't realise I needed draw in there as well. Sorry for the simple question, many thanks for the clear answer. (I'll accept when I can in 5mins) Commented Mar 16, 2016 at 22:32

here is a slightly different code. I removed midway, I used raise and changed the anchors

\node (H16) {x};
\node (H112) at (3,0) {y};
   (H16.180) to node[above=8pt,draw,circle] {} (H112.0);

enter image description here

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