How to make pandoc md to xelatex conversion understand that the code structure is within an enumeration list. The minimal code I've got in my markdown file.

* Test your code 
* Don't use structures like this

  //Bad structure
  //More bad structures

  As this will cause problems.

This code correctly displays on github with the code being properly indented with respect to the list. But using a relatively simple

pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex README.md -o test.pdf

makes a mess out of it. The best thing I achieved it to actually display the code with breaking of enumeration. My other attempts would usually break the code display.

2 Answers 2


The following code looks OK to me. I have used a fenced code block, but it should also work with backticks.

- Test your code 
- Don't use structures like this

  ~~~ {.cpp}
  // printf("hello world");
  // prints("hello World");

  as this will cause problems.

I have converted this code with the above call and it looks OK to me.


Triple backticks are an extension to the original markdown syntax and Github and Pandoc don't implement them in a completely compatible way. In Pandoc, both the starting and ending triple backticks need to start at the left margin. In an enumeration, the left margin starts with an indentation of 4 spaces. Inside the code block, however, the left margin starts at position 0. So you need to write

* Test your code
* Don't use structures like this

//Bad structure
//More bad structures

    As this will cause problems.

That doesn't work for me with GitHub's markup tool though: it doesn't recognize cpp as a language attribute, it treats it as the first line of code. The indentation makes a difference however: with your two spaces the code block terminates the enumeration, whereas with my four spaces the code block and the following text line remain in the enumeration. I think that's a bug in my version of one of the dependencies of the tool though, since the ```language syntax is definitely supported on Github.

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