english is not my native language, but I will try to explain my question the best way I can.
My problem is the extra spacing between the L and T column which apparently comes when I write the numbers in scientific mode. Is there any way to have scientific numbers like this, align them on comma, and make the spacing in columns more normal (smaller) ?
\sisetup{input-symbols = ()}
Table code:
\sisetup{table-space-text-post = \sym{***}}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Justert $R^{2}$}}\\
1997 - 2008 & 0.207 \sym{***} & 3.5\num{1e-4} \sym{***} & {623} & 0.27 & 0.21 \\
& (0.049) & (0.8\num{1e-4}) & & & \\
2009 - 2015 &&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Estimerte standardavvik er gitt i parenteser}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} $p<0.05$, \sym{**} $p<0.01$, \sym{***} \ $p<0.001$}\\
I hope anyone here has time to answer me. I have tried searching/googling, but I haven't found anything specific which I can use to solve my problem.
in the column,3.5e-4
is enough, the rest is configuration of the column. You probably also want 5 separate S columns not 5 of the same configuration