Is there a way to define a shortcut for writing a word. I am tired of writing Ti-6Al-4V all the time in my thesis so I want to define a keyboard shortcut like Shift+t+i and Ti-6Al-4V will be written (not in math mode). This problem is generic for all scientific documents about a certain type of chemical formula or certain type of topic/abbreviation.
1 Answer
You can create a new keyboard shortcut in the Preferences with the following command:
self-insert Ti-6Al-4V
Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to add self-insert. When I add from Preferences it says "Can not insert shortcut to the list". When I created mySC.bind with these lines in it \bind_file "cua" \bind "M-r t" "self-insert Ti-6Al-4v" cua commands are indexed but not mine. ps. I tried to run lyx with administrator privileges Commented Mar 23, 2016 at 9:48
Sorry, now I managed. In the Preferences menu command-sequence self-insert Ti-6Al-4V as function and alt+shift+T as the key works well. But alt+R T does not, anyway. Thanks to all reading or responding for time and effort Commented Mar 23, 2016 at 10:05