I'm a newbie so the answer is probably quite simple.
I have the code below and its giving me two issues:
The x and y axis labels are in random places?
The supplied co-ordinates are not being rendered at the correct co-ordinates.
- The supplied co-ordinates are not being rendered at the INCORRECT co-ordinates.
Any advice/help/tips much appreciated.
\psset{xAxisLabel=LABELX,yAxisLabel=LABELY, xAxisLabelPos={c,-0.8},yAxisLabelPos={-0.06,c},xunit=40cm,yunit=0.1cm}
\psgrid[subgriddiv=1, gridcolor=white,griddots=10,gridlabels=0pt]
\psaxes[Dx=0.05, Dy=10, labelFontSize=\scriptscriptstyle](0,0)(0,0)(0.251,100.0)
\psline[linewidth=1.0pt, showpoints=true, dotstyle=o, fillcolor=cyan](0.240608234,0)(0.209576383,1)(0.206539843,2)(0.190312769,3)