There are a few posts that ask and answer how to scale the legend font size. For example,

However, these rely upon using the command:

 legend style={font=\tiny}

I'd like to re-scale the legend fonts (or perhaps even the entire legend) using a scale = 0.5 command (or similar), similar to how you would re-scale a node. I asked a similar question here about re-scaling the font size of axes labels, but I could not get the same solution to work for the legend (that is, simply changing font= to style= does not seem to work.

I attach a minimal example below:




\begin{axis}[legend image post style={mark=*}]

\addplot+[mark=*, color=blue, very thin, only marks, mark size=0.8pt]{-x*(x-2)};


which produces

legend example

1 Answer 1


Something like:

    \begin{axis}[legend style={nodes={scale=0.5, transform shape}}, 
        legend image post style={mark=*}]

The "style" nodes of the legend will be applied to all the nodes created to generate the legend box.

Screenshot for the above snippet

(BTW, you should add a \pgfplotsset{compat=1.9} to your code, or at least something like that, to avoid problems with ticks labels in the future).

Complete code (for reference):




    \begin{axis}[legend style={nodes={scale=0.5, transform shape}}, 
        legend image post style={mark=*}]

\addplot+[mark=*, color=blue, very thin, only marks, mark size=0.8pt]{-x*(x-2)};

  • 2
    This seems to work well!
    – TSGM
    Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 17:40

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