For reasons of space I am trying to put pairs of correct and pairs of wrong examples next to each other in multicols environment. However, no matter what I do, they never align correctly. I tried \bigskip to fill the missing gloss line and even \hspace to create an empty line. I'll be very grateful for any suggestions where the problem lies and for any solutions. This is my first post, so I hope to get the MWE right.

\ex \gll Dies ist korrekt\\
this is correct\\
\glt \lq This is correct'
\ex \gll \'{E}sto est\'{a} correcto\\
this is correct\\
\glt \lq This is correct'
\ex \gll Hii ni sahihi\\
this is correct\\
\glt \lq This is correct'
\ex[*]{\gll Dies falsch ist\\
this wrong is\\
\glt \hspace{1cm}}
\ex[*]{\gll \'{E}sto mal est\'{a}\\
this bad is\\
\glt \hspace{1cm}}
\ex[*]{ \gll Hii sahihi si\\
this correct not.is\\
\glt \hspace{1cm}}

Screenshot of the output

  • 1
    Instead of the horizontal space you can put a phantom sentence: change \glt \hspace{1cm}} to \glt \phantom{\lq This is correct'}}.
    – Marijn
    Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 11:37
  • 2
    @Marijn Can you turn your comment into an answer? Then we will have one less unanswered question on the site. :)
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 20:29

1 Answer 1


Instead of the horizontal space you can put a phantom sentence: change \glt \hspace{1cm}} to \glt \phantom{\lq This is correct'}}. With \phantom the vertical and horizontal space of the argument is allocated, but it is not printed.

In the example:

\ex[*]{\gll Dies falsch ist\\
this wrong is\\
\glt \phantom{\lq This is correct'}}
\ex[*]{\gll \'{E}sto mal est\'{a}\\
this bad is\\
\glt \phantom{\lq This is correct'}}
\ex[*]{ \gll Hii sahihi si\\
this correct not.is\\
\glt \phantom{\lq This is correct'}}


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