I'm trying to make an alphabetically ordered bibliography for my report. Currently I have:
\usepackage[ backend=biber, style=apa, sorting=ynt ]{biblatex}
\title{How do we know what the inner structure of planet Earth is like?}
\section{Introduction and Theoretical brackground} \cite{lehmann}
with my .bib file:
author = {Lehmann, I.},
title = {P'},
journal = {Publications du Bureau Central Sismologique International, Série A, Travaux Scientifique, 14},
year = 1936,
pages = {87-115}
When I compile, the reference shows:
Lehmann, I. (yearmonthday). P'.Publications du Bu- reau Central Sismologique International, Série A, Travaux Scientifique, 14, 87-115.
How can I make it display just the year (1936), instead of (yearmonthday). I'm using the APA style because I want a comma between the author and the year in the references.
with your document language and give the correct\DeclareLanguageMapping