I have the following self defined counter and command:


\newcommand{\usecasenumber}{\arabic{usecase} \stepcounter{usecase}
    \begin{tabular}{| p{4cm} | p{8cm} |}
        Anwendungsfall-Nummer       & U-\usecasenumber  \\
        Hauptakteur                 & #1                \\
        Andere Akteure              & #2                \\
        Beschreibung                & #3                \\
        Vorbedingung                & #4                \\
        Nachbedingung               & #5                \\
        Ausführung                  & #6                \\
        Alternativen                & #7                \\
        Ausnahmen                   & #8                \\
        Benutzte Anwendungsfälle    & #9                \\      


I now want an environment named usecase that does the exact same thing my newcommand does plus adding another line to the table with the name that one should be able to give the usecase environment. The environment should be able to automatically increase the counter and I want to be able to add labels to the usecase environment (just like it is possible in figure or table). When I reference such a label with \ref I want the reference to be the number of the environment given by the counter usecase.

I am not sure how to realize that or if it is even possible. I would start with something like this but I don't know how to proceed from there on to achieve the desired behaviour.

    % TODO

It would be really appreciated if someone could help me out here. :)

  • Welcome to TeX - LaTeX! Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 11:21
  • Please put your code in a small compilable document (MWE) along with a skeleton for what you want in addition, so that folks here can download it to work on without having to do any extra work. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 12:41
  • I don't think that an environment is necessary here. \refstepcounter works in a command as well. If a caption is needed, this is something different, of course
    – user31729
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 13:56

1 Answer 1


I don't suggest to use an environment here, but I provided the solution anyway for this.

But I don't recommend using a 9 arguments, but applying a key-value interface to grab the values -- it's not necessary to remember which argument stands for which content then.
















  \begin{tabular}{| p{4cm} | p{8cm} |}
    Anwendungsfall-Nummer       & U-\theusecase  \\
    Hauptakteur                 & \kvakteur                \\
    Andere Akteure              & \kvandere                \\
    Beschreibung                & \kvbeschreibung                \\
    Vorbedingung                & \kvvorbedingung                \\
    Nachbedingung               & \kvnachbedingung                \\
    Ausführung                  & \kvausfuehrung                \\
    Alternativen                & \kvalternativen                \\
    Ausnahmen                   & \kvausnahmen                \\
    Benutzte Anwendungsfälle    & \kvanwendungsfaelle               \\      

  \begin{tabular}{| p{4cm} | p{8cm} |}
    Anwendungsfall-Nummer       & U-\theusecase  \\
    Hauptakteur                 & \kvakteur                \\
    Andere Akteure              & \kvandere                \\
    Beschreibung                & \kvbeschreibung                \\
    Vorbedingung                & \kvvorbedingung                \\
    Nachbedingung               & \kvnachbedingung                \\
    Ausführung                  & \kvausfuehrung                \\
    Alternativen                & \kvalternativen                \\
    Ausnahmen                   & \kvausnahmen                \\
    Benutzte Anwendungsfälle    & \kvanwendungsfaelle               \\      

% Preset default values
  alternativen={Absolut keine!},


In \ref{ucfirst} werden sehen, daß der bessere Fall durch \ref{ucsecond} repräsentiert wird!

\begin{usecase}[akteur={Mr. Gumby}, andere={Mr. Gumbies}] \label{ucfirst}

\usecaseother[akteur={Mrs. Ann Elk}, andere={--}, beschreibung={Theorie der Brontosaurier}, ausfuehrung={gehoben!}] \label{ucsecond}

enter image description here

  • 1
    ++1 for the default values (how do I say that in German?) Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 15:35
  • Thanks. "Voreinstellungen" or "voreingestellte Werte" (Werte= values)
    – user31729
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 15:38
  • 1
    Not your fault, but an empty environment makes little sense.
    – egreg
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 18:00
  • 1
    @egreg: That's why I did not recommend it, of course. If it would be a floating one, the situation would be different
    – user31729
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 18:05

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