I have 100 PDF slides (created with Beamer) which when flipped through yield a small animation. I'm now looking for a PDF viewer which displays such an animation nicely. A bad example (in this respect) is evince which when you keep the right-key pressed freezes and only updates once you let the key go. Okular is more or less fine, but I wonder whether there is any viewer which allows me to set the frame-rate and would be a bit more reliable when it comes to buffering (Okular sometimes lags a bit).

I have both Linux (preferred) and Windows available. The PDF viewer has to be freely downloadable.

  • 1
    There's always acroread. Though if you think Okular lags ...
    – cfr
    Commented Apr 9, 2016 at 11:05
  • basically you have a video made of pdf slides that you want to play at a certain framerate? Here in the office, I have only Adobe Acrobat X. It lets you specify a frame rate for fullscreen mode in whole seconds (so the fastest is one slide per second) Commented Apr 9, 2016 at 11:06
  • If you want a uniform framerate, let beamer do the job. With \transduration<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨number of seconds⟩} you can specify the time a slide is displayed. For the fasted transition possible, use \transduration{0.00} which makes it only dependent on how fast the viewer can show the frames. Work not in all viewers, but for example in acrobat. Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 8:32

1 Answer 1


How about, instead of relying on a PDF viewer to page through your animation, you compile your animation into a different format that is fairly universal - animated GIF.

Here's an example:

  1. Consider the following animation - 20 pages - taken from How can we display fireworks?:

    \foreach \radius in {1,2,...,20}
      % background rectangle
      \filldraw[black] (-3,-3) rectangle (5,3);
      % skyline
      % moon- what a hack!
      \filldraw[white] (4,2.5) arc (90:-90:20pt);
      \filldraw[black] (3.8,2.5) arc (90:-90:20pt);
      % fireworks
      % red firework
          \draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},red!\pgfmathresult!black] (0,0) circle (\radius ex);
      % orange firework
              \draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},orange!\pgfmathresult!black] (1,1) circle ( \radius ex-5ex);
      % yellow firework
          \draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},yellow!\pgfmathresult!black] (2.5,1) circle (\radius ex-10ex);
  2. Compile this code to produce fireworks.pdf.

  3. Convert fireworks.pdf to an animated GIF via ImageMagick using

    convert -delay 20 -loop 0 -density 300 fireworks.pdf fireworks.gif

    Of course, adjust the delay (which is the frame rate in miliseconds), loop and density to suit your needs. There are other parameters you may also require. See How to convert pstricks animation to GIF file?

  4. Display it using your regular browser or image viewer...

    enter image description here

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