Consider the following animation - 20 pages - taken from How can we display fireworks?:
\foreach \radius in {1,2,...,20}
% background rectangle
\filldraw[black] (-3,-3) rectangle (5,3);
% skyline
% moon- what a hack!
\filldraw[white] (4,2.5) arc (90:-90:20pt);
\filldraw[black] (3.8,2.5) arc (90:-90:20pt);
% fireworks
% red firework
\draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},red!\pgfmathresult!black] (0,0) circle (\radius ex);
% orange firework
\draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},orange!\pgfmathresult!black] (1,1) circle ( \radius ex-5ex);
% yellow firework
\draw[decorate,decoration={crosses},yellow!\pgfmathresult!black] (2.5,1) circle (\radius ex-10ex);
. Though if you think Okular lags ...\transduration<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨number of seconds⟩}
you can specify the time a slide is displayed. For the fasted transition possible, use\transduration{0.00}
which makes it only dependent on how fast the viewer can show the frames. Work not in all viewers, but for example in acrobat.