I have an axis which contains several plots. These plots can be divided into two groups, of which each has a common plot marker. The plots are styled using a combined cycle list.

I would then like to create a legend, which shows all entries without their markers and instead include the markers in manually created "group headlines" inside the legend. Hopefully, my MWE can explain, what I mean:



            cycle multiindex* list={
                color list
            legend style={mark options={no markers}},
            legend image code/.code={
                \draw[domain=0:0.8, mark repeat=12,mark phase=7, mark size=1.5,#1]
                plot   (\x cm,{0.05cm*sin((\x r)*2*pi/0.8)});

            \addlegendimage{empty legend} % This should produce a single square marker instead          
            \addlegendentry{Headline 1}             
            \addplot table {
                0 0
                1 1
            \addlegendentry{Data 1 }

            \addlegendimage{empty legend} % This should produce a single circle marker instead
            \addlegendentry{Headline 2}

            \addplot table {
                0 0
                1 0.5
            \addlegendentry{Data 2}



Markers added via MS Paint

These markers are added via MS Paint, to illustrate what I am looking for. I have also redefined legend image code (inspired by the data visualization tikz library) and would like to keep this for reasons of consistency with my other plots. I also do not want my cycle list to be affected by the insertion of the headlines.

What would be the most straightforward way to do this? I have tried to hack myself around it by using "invisible" plots (using only markers and mark options={scale=0}) but this also renders the legend entries invisible. Do I have to define my own legend style to use in this case?

This could probably be solved, if I set the legend style={mark options={no markers}} individually for every plot instead of the axis options. But this seems a little cumbersome to me and I still wouldn't know how to add invisible plots that only show up inside the legend.

1 Answer 1


When I understood your question right, you where on the right track. Have a look at the comments in the code for more details.

        % create a new style for the "curved line legend"
        /pgfplots/curved line legend/.style={
            legend image code/.code={
                % only a line curved line without markers should be drawn
                \draw [domain=0:0.8,no markers,#1]
                    plot (\x cm,{0.05cm*sin((\x r)*2*pi/0.8)});
            cycle multiindex* list={
                color list

            % This should produce a single square marker instead
            \addlegendimage{mark=square,only marks}
            \addlegendentry{Headline 1}

            % Apply the style which should be used for the legend entry
            % if it should be different to the default style to the `\addplot' command
            % in this case it is our previously defined style
            \addplot+ [curved line legend] table {
                0 0
                1 1
            \addlegendentry{Data 1}

            % Same as before
            \addlegendimage{mark=o,only marks}
            \addlegendentry{Headline 2}

            \addplot+ [curved line legend] table {
                0 0
                1 0.5
            \addlegendentry{Data 2}


image showing the result of above code

  • Thanks a lot, you definitively pushed me into the right direction! It even works without the formal definition of a curved line legend if I, as you suggested, already include the no markers key in the legend image code and then just apply the regular only marks, line legend inside the options for the marker entry. Just a little less to code, if you have a lot more lines than mark entries and you can stick to \addplot instead of \addplot+.
    – Niclas
    Commented Apr 21, 2016 at 11:10

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