I have a table with words separated by commas. Latex puts additional spaces in between these words which look a bit odd.
\begin{tabular} {|p{0.8in}|p{2.75in}|p{0.5in}|p{0.5in}|p{0.5in}|p{0.3in}| }
{\bf Features} & {\bf Feat Selection} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\bf F\_score } \\ \hline
&&&favor&against&average \\ \hline
\bf Aaaaaaaa & uuuuuuuu, bnnnnn, general\_ddd, llll\_ddd, sddddddddd\_combined\_ddd & none & 0.71&0.64 & 0.67\\ \hline
\bf Abbbbbbb & uuuuuuuu, bnnnnn, general\_ddd, llll\_ddd, sddddddddd\_combined\_ddd & none &0.73&0.66 & 0.69\\ \hline
\bf Ffffffffff & uuuuuuuu, bnnnnn, general\_ddd, llll\_ddd, stttttttt\_combined\_dtt, POS\_bmmmmm & crrrrrrrrr & 0.55&0.57&0.56\\ \hline
\caption{\label{results} Best performing model.}
\begin{tabular} {|p{0.8in}|p{2.15in}|p{2.15in}|r|}
{\bf Topic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|} {\bf Seed Hhhhhhhh } & \bf Tttttt \\ \hline
\bf kkkkkkkk & \#YayFeminism, \#YesAllWomen, \#FeministsAreBeautiful & \#AntiFeminism, \#AntiFeminist, \#WomenAgainstFeminism & 4446 \\ \hline
\bf Hhhhhhh Cccccc & \#ImWithHer, \#HillYes, \#ITrustHillary, & \#StopHillary, \#HillaryForPrison, \#OhHillNo & 8529 \\ \hline
This is what I get This has additional spaces in Feat selection column and seed column. How can I remove these to have normal spacing.