In TeX/LaTeX's default mode, there is extra space after sentence-ending periods, which needs to be suppressed with \@. when TeX would mistakenly treat it as ending a sentence, as in Mr\@. Bean. While \frenchspacing eliminates the (nominally) double space between sentences, I wonder if sentence-ending periods are nevertheless treated differently from abbreviation periods (e.g., when stretching spaces, computing penalties, or whatever).

In other words: If I use \frenchspacing (and will never format my text without it), is there any point to writing \@.?

  • Hmm, indeed it's a duplicate! Thanks. Somehow the linked question didn't come up when I searched, but it addresses my question (and the converse, which I wasn't worried about).
    – alexis
    Apr 21, 2016 at 11:48
  • Just a note: the \@ does not suppress the extra space but actually enforces it AFAIK. You would write Mr.\ Bean to suppress it.
    – stefanct
    Mar 13, 2017 at 11:58


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