I use gb4e for my linguistic examples. When the example is long, gb4e breaks it into two lines (of the first and second, glossing, lines). However, I sometimes want to break it at a certain point. How can I do that? (I can't find any method in the gb4e document.)

A MWE is as follows. I'd like to break the line after the first occurrence of the word 'Mink'. If I do it in the second way, unwanted spaces appear between the lines. (I'm using xelatex.)



\gll thu-mi-t-əm =k'wa Mink.  chichiya7-u-s =k'wa Mink te= c'estaya\\
go-RLT-CTR-PASS =QUOT Mink grandmother-PST-3POSS =QUOT Mink DET= knothole\\
\glt `Mink went towards it. The knothole was Mink's grandmother.'\\

\gll thu-mi-t-əm =kʼwa Mink.\\
 go-RlL-CTR-PASS =QUOT Mink\\ 
\gll chichiya7-u-s =kʼwa Mink te= c'estaya\\
grandmother-PST-3POSS =QUOT Mink DET= knothole\\
\glt `Mink went towards it. The knothole was Mink's grandmother.'

enter image description here

  • Since you refer in your question to graphic elements that you would like improved, this is the type of question where an image of your compiled MWE might be helpful.
    – A Feldman
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 3:06
  • I added an image to my original post.
    – renoh
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 3:22
  • This is essentially a duplicate of this question: How can I indent the second line of a linguistic gloss with gb4e.sty?
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 3:39
  • 1
    OK. Thank you. I now see that I can solve this issue with \sn.
    – renoh
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 9:32

1 Answer 1


Try this:




        \gll thu-mi-t-əm =kʼwa Mink.\\
        go-RlL-CTR-PASS =QUOT Mink\\
        \gll chichiya7-u-s =kʼwa Mink te= c'estaya\\
        grandmother-PST-3POSS =QUOT Mink DET= knothole\\
        \glt `Mink went towards it. The knothole was Mink's grandmother.'%


enter image description here

The macro \Id changes the placement of the text using a vtop box, which overrides the gb4e package placement of that text.

And see related, the answers to: How can I indent the second line of a linguistic gloss with gb4e.sty

  • 1
    This is a pure hack, and not really practical as a solution. Since there are users of this package on the site, and it's a pretty specialized use, it might be more helpful to wait to see whether such users post solutions (or in this case, a duplicate.)
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 3:42
  • Point taken. I changed the answer, made the \vtop box commands into a macro. Hopefully this makes it more practical. I really don't know enough about the subject matter to even begin to form an opinion about whether this would fit the OP's needs, or whether it is really a duplicated of the question and answers you referenced.
    – A Feldman
    Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 4:47

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