Is there any way to set a default preamble in TeXworks? So, when I open the program for a new document, can I set it to automatically have something written there; mainly I'm thinking of the pre-amble but since I currently almost exclusively use TeXworks for university coursework, so I'd maybe put in a bit of other text too. Anyway, is this possible / easy to do?
1 Answer
Under your user texworks folder you'll find a templates
folder. Create a .tex
document with whatever content you want and save it there.
every time you want tu create a new document based in this template, open TeXworks and use File menu option Open from template
. Your saved template will be there. Work with it and save your new document in your documents folder.
With MikTeX TeXworks (windows 10), I've found templates folder in Users/<user name>/AppData/Local/MikTeX/2.9/TeXworks/0.4/templates
With my local TeXwors (windows 10), template's folder is under Users/<user name>/TeXworks/templates
Open from template