How are you initiating tikz graphs?
I tried a whole variety of approaches. I tried to draw my first sketches on a glassboard and photograph and autotrace this, but no auto-tracing software that I tried was capable of dealing with the milky background. I also could not find an easy to use hand-assisted tracer for my ipad pro with pencil. so I started hand-translating. uggh.
because autotracing to tikz seems to be unavailable, I looked around for GUIs for tikz, but the pickings are very slim. Ideally, I need basic features (lines, rectangles, circles, points, text, grid). I have not found anything that I like. Tikzedt is built with a deep windows toolchain (and/or its somewhat buggy linux adaptation). ktikz is really not a GUI but more of a tex editor with a fast preview. I am about to investigate inkscape with the tikz plugin.
for those of you that are like me awestruck by such drawings as TikZ - How can I filldraw areas spanned over an arc? or (more amazing:) Generate analog clock with numbered face, add seconds, Roman numerals , do the folks that draw and design such diagrams speak tikz as a natural language and think in geometric terms, or do they have helpful tools that I don't know about yet?
update: I am an occasional user. once a year. there is little mental retention when I have to do it a year later again. the most tedious tikz part for me is to try to figure out where each point is. right now, I overlay a grid and peck and guess.
so, for someone like me, workflow would be easier if there was just one simple app or program, which would underlay my existing handdrawn image, allow me to click on the canvas, have sequential letters or numbers placed at those coordinates (or removed), and then save all the coordinates to a file (perhaps with a scale, perhaps with a grid).
\node at (20,22) ($1$);
such a program should be easy to write for someone who knows graphics programming. underlaid image, mouse click, increment numbers and place, save coordinates. alas, graphics programming is another task I never managed to find time for.