I would like to have a footnote about the funding source of my work in the first page without marker.

I tried below approaches:

  1. \footnotetext{text goes here} This creates a footnote but with '0' as marker. However, the marker reference does not appear within the normal text where I placed this command.

  2. Used \def\blfootnote{\xdef\@thefnmark{}\@footnotetext} definition provided at http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-footnotes.shtml#unnumber. I placed this definition in the main tex file just after package declaration. But, this gives the below error.

       ! Use of \@ doesn't match its definition.
       \blfootnote ->\xdef \@thefnmark{}\@f

10 Answers 10


As Stephen mentioned in his answer, if you're using your definition in your .tex file, you need to enclose it inside \makeatletter, \makeatother. Another option not involving the use of the special character @ (thus not requiring \makeatletter, \makeatother) would be to locally redefine \thefootnote (taking care of correcting the footnote counter):




Some text\blfootnote{A footnote without marker} and some more text\footnote{A standard footnote}


enter image description here

  • 5
    What does "bl" in "blfootnote" stand for? Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 15:14
  • 1
    @DavidDoria: Gonazalo is re-implementing a macro that the original poster copied from a resource that is no longer available. So we'll never know what bl stands for. One may guess “blind”, but the important think is that it be different from \footnote. Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 16:36
  • 2
    @GonzaloMedina with the solution you have proposed hyper-link will provide and empty market were I place \blfootnote{}. Is there any way to continue to use hyper-link that provide links for the other footnotes and references but at the same time have just a note for the desired blfootnote?
    – rebatoma
    Commented May 24, 2016 at 9:33
  • 1
    How can I get rid of the indention which is left at the place of the footnotemark? Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 23:46
  • 1
    Note that this solution does not work when \blfootnote is inside \title{}. In this case the symbol is still printed in the footnote (but not in the title).
    – James
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 6:53

In some cases, you might want to suppress the number on a footnote. I looked around the web, and a few suggestions were out there, but the simplest one I could find was the following:

\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{Put your text here}
  • This may work, but it is not really LaTeX style and may have serious side-effects, e.g., when switching back to normal footnotes. Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 12:56
  • Welcome to TeX.SX! A tip: You can use backticks ` to mark your inline code. I did not edit your answer just for this detail, you might want to change it yourself. Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 12:56
  • 2
    Brutal but effective. For short documents without other footnotes this is the best! I think half of it should go in the preamble and the acutal not in the document. I hop you don't mind me editing your answer.
    – user4929
    Commented Apr 5, 2020 at 21:54
  • It is probably a good idea to save the original defintion of \footnote to be able to switch back to the previous state if needed. See: tex.stackexchange.com/q/170511/47927 Commented Apr 6, 2023 at 12:37

@ is a special character in (La)TeX. Enclose your code with \makeatletter, \makeatother:


Edit (from my former comments):

Internal commands with @ can be used without \makeatletter and \makeatother in the class file (as you found out) as well as in style files, too. Only in the .tex file the "envelope" is needed. That said, I would prefer Gonzalo Medina's answer over my own (or your placement of the redefinition in the class file) because it only locally redefines footnote (respectively give a new command for unnumbered footnotes).

When you are using the hyperref package, you would probably want to add \addtocounter{Hfootnote}{-1}% to the code of GM, otherwise it will work but error messages about (hyper)footnotes will become tricky, because e.g. Hfootnote 42 then is footnote 41 - use \addtocounter{footnote}{-1} without \addtocounter{Hfootnote}{-1} for several cases, and the difference between footnote and Hfootnote makes debugging harder than necessary.

Edit (again):

As suggested by egreg, I changed \xdef (=\global\edef) to \gdef (=\global\def), because there is no need to *e*xpand the *def*inition's content here (as it is just empty).

  • \xdef should be \gdef; it doesn't make any difference here, it could in other situations.
    – egreg
    Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 18:53
  • +1, @Gonzalo Medina solution doesn't work 'well' with hyperref package, it lets an empty link box to the footnote!
    – Kevin
    Commented Oct 29, 2014 at 10:23
  • This is a better approach, because it only uses the footnotetext, not occupying space for the footnotemark.
    – THN
    Commented Sep 14, 2019 at 20:07

I know this is an old question, but the answers from both Gonzalo Medina and Stephen may interact poorly with hyperref. I did not test the titlefoot package but, from my limited understanding of the LaTeX code, it seems it may not be immune either.

Apparently, however, we are "safe" by using @xfootnotenext, as hyperref's implementation of it delegates to the default LaTeX footnote code. And it is simple to do so, just call \footnotetext with an optional parameter. To do that, switch footnote markers temporarily to symbols and select 0 as the symbol. Nothing gets printed (no symbol for 0), nothing gets added to the text (we are just using footnotetext), and hyperref does not try to add anchors or links.

  • 1
    Indeed, with hyper-ref highlighting references, the accepted answer shows a "square" link marker from where \blfootnote is used. This answer works better as it doesn't add any marker where \extrafootertext is used.
    – Milan
    Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 9:11

There’s also an old package, titlefoot, which has no documentation except a few comments in the .sty file. It provides a command, \unmarkedfntext{...}, which has never caused problems in my documents. A little example:

\title{My Brilliant Article}
\maketitle\unmarkedfntext{Originally published by Oxford.}

\blindtext\footnote{It seems to play well with hyperref.}
  • This seems causing some issues for me. All the figures are moved to the end of the document after adding \unmarkedfntext. A regular footnote would not cause so.
    – xuhdev
    Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 3:20
  • 3
    I like this answer the best, because, as you said, it plays well with hyperref. Other "markerless footnote" solutions I tried left a little blank box in the text (i.e., a link attached to the blank marker). Commented Jun 19, 2017 at 22:30
  • I had only one problem with the definition the command \keywords, apparently the command is already defined in the package, so I had to change the name. However, I find this "package"-solution more elegant that own defined functions. ;) Commented Mar 13, 2018 at 12:53

You could use the \footnotemark[0] and \footnotetext[0]{Footnote text} pair. The [0] will suppress the label.

  • 4
    This is only true if \thefootnote is set to \roman{footnote} or \Roman{footnote}.
    – Werner
    Commented Dec 6, 2018 at 0:49
  • 3
    And it's \footnotemark, not "marker. Commented Dec 6, 2018 at 10:01
  • 2
    It did not work for me (in amsart style).
    – mathreader
    Commented Sep 13, 2020 at 22:14

Tried previous answers several times but did not work. I am working on the AIAA template and the solution was this simple:

\footnote[]{Footnote without number.}
  • Didn't work for the template I'm working on
    – irene
    Commented Jun 13, 2022 at 0:47
  • This moved my title downwards on an AIAA template. \footnotetext[0]{Footnote text} worked though. Commented Jul 4, 2022 at 14:25
  • This does not work for normal classes like article. Then you get Missing number, treated as zero.
    – dexteritas
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 8:47

It's an old question, but just so there is an answer in plain tex, in plain tex you can just do \footnote{}{Footnote without a marker}.

  • This does simply not work. Commented Jun 5 at 18:58

For those looking to remove the in-line mark, yet keep the number in the footnote, you can define a custom \marklessfootnote command.

    \addtocounter{footnote}{1} %no call is made to \footnotemark.

This may be useful for those wanting to define a footnote to refer to in a table (see Q1, Q2), where there are common problems. The markless footnote can then be referred to in a table using a regular \ref command, or the cleveref package command \cref with ease, also compatible with hyperref package.


%... inside my doc
\marklessfootnote{My footnote \label{ftn:01}}
%... inside my tabular...
\textsuperscript{\tiny\ref{ftn:01}} % With commands to superscript the mark.


Note to make Cref link the same style as the regular footnote, you can redefine the format as follows:

\crefformat{footnote}{#2\textsuperscript{\footnotemark[#1]}#3} %optional to superscript mark.
%... %inside my doc
\marklessfootnote{My footnote \label{ftn:01}}
%... %inside my tabular...
  • Need to fix hyperref link to markless footnote, as commented on this post.
    – Mr G
    Commented Sep 4, 2023 at 3:53

Based on Shukla's answer, one can do

{\def\thefootnote{}\footnotetext{Put your text here}}

so that the definition of \thefootnote will reset outside the local group.

Anothery hacky way is

\footnotetext[0\def\thefoornote{}]{Your footnote here}

This will also nullify the printing command. This is only temporary (because things in [] are put in a local group.)

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